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Lab 6: Filesystems

Due: December 4 @ 11:59 PM

There is a very helpful YouTube video for the labs!

In this lab you'll be making a 1 MiB ext2 file system with 2 directories, 1 regular file, and 1 symbolic link. You'll be given the ext2 structures and some initial skeleton code which creates a file called hello.img in the current working directory. You're expected to create a valid ext2 filesystem. See it's contents by mounting it with mount -o loop test.img mnt. After, when you run ls -ain mnt/ you should get the following (I omitted the fields that depend on your machine or date, you should see more output on the .. line):

total 7
2 drwxr-xr-x 3 0 0 1024 .
13 lrw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 11 hello -> hello-world
12 -rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 12 hello-world
11 drwxr-xr-x 2 0 0 1024 lost+found

This lab takes some time, so please start early. Afterwards you will have experience with real file system internals.


Ensure you're in the ece344 directory within VSCode. Make sure you have the latest skeleton code from us by running: git pull upstream main.

This will create a merge, which you should be able to do cleanly. If you don't know how to do this read [Pro Git][pro-git]. Be sure to read chapter 3.1 and 3.2 fully. This is how software developers coordinate and work together in large projects. For this course, you should always merge to maintain proper history between yourself and the provided repository. You should never rebase in this course, and in general you should never rebase unless you have a good reason to. It will be important to keep your code up-to-date during this lab as the test cases may change with your help.

You can finally run: cd hello-ext2 to begin the lab.


Using wrapped system calls, along with the provided ext2 structures you'll be creating a valid ext2 filesystem image that the kernel could mount. You'll be connecting the dots and learning that filesystems, like everything on your computer, are just a bunch of numbers with structure. You should try not to hard code as much as possible. I have set up defines for you to use for block numbers and inode numbers. The root directory is always inode 2 for 2 is defined by ext2. We'll be creating a 1 MiB ext2 file system with 1 KiB sized blocks and space for 128 inodes. You'll be creating 4 inodes: the root directory, the lost+found directory, a regular file named hello-world, and a symbolic link named hello which points to hello-world. You are provided with the inode for lost+found along with its directory block. The root directory and the lost+found should be owned by uid 0 and gid 0 (root). The owner should have read, write, and execute permissions. The group and other should have read and execute permissions. The hello-world file and hello symlink should be owned by uid 1000 and gid 1000 (typically the number of the first "normal" user). The owner should have read and write permissions. The group and other should only have read permission. Your hello-world file should only be 12 bytes long and contain "Hello world" followed by a newline.


You'll be writing the following functions in hello-ext2/src/ext2-create.c:


Additional APIs

All the header files you'll need are included for you. You should read and understand the macros.


Run the following command to get the skeleton for Lab 6: git pull upstream main. You should be able to run the meson commands in the hello-ext2 directory (shown in the "Running" section) to create a build/ext2-create executable. When you run the executable it creates hello.img as described at the beginning. You can then run fsck.ext2 hello.img, and will likely be asked to fix (many) errors. At the end of this lab you're expected to have no errors after running fsck.ext2. In addition to the course materials, you'll find extra resources here and here.

You should also watch the help video I created: here


These are all the commands you'll likely want to use (minus the normal clean command):

meson setup build
meson compile -C build
build/ext2-create # run the executable to create hello.img
dumpe2fs hello.img # dumps the filesystem information to help debug
fsck.ext2 hello.img # this will check that your filesystem is correct
mkdir mnt # create a directory to mnt your filesystem to
mount -o loop hello.img mnt # mount your filesystem, loop uses a file
umount mnt # unmount the filesystem when you're done
rmdir mnt # delete the directory used for mounting when you're done

You can find example output of both dumpe2fs and fsck.ext2 in the "Examples" section. If you think it may be easier to read the binary of your filesystem, or you're interested, you can use hexdump -C hello.img.


For any wrapped system calls, you should check for errors. If there is an error, you may exit with the error number (errno). There is now an errno_exit macro to make your code more readable.


This lab may be frustrating to start, as you won't have much to show for it. However, after you're done with the superblock and your first inode, you'll make progress much faster. Note that the skeleton code creates a 1 MiB image file for you, which is initialized to all zeros. Also, when you assign {0} to a struct in C, it will zero initialize it. You should zero initialize everything. Remember that blocks start from 0, and inodes start from 1.


There are a set of basic test cases given to you (they'll be released a few days after the lab). We'll withhold more advanced tests which we'll use for grading. Part of programming is coming up with tests yourself. To run the provided test cases please run the following command in your lab directory:

python3 -m unittest


Run the script in the directory. This will rebuild your program, run the tests, and give you a grade out of 100 based on your test results. Note that these test cases may not be complete, more may be added before the due date, or there may be hidden test cases. These labs are new, so we may need to change.


Simply push your code using git push origin main (or simply git push) to submit it. You need to create your own commits to push, you can use as many as you'd like. You'll need to use the git add and git commit commands. Push as many commits as you want, your latest commit that modifies the lab files counts as your submission. For submission time we will only look at the timestamp on our server. We will never use your commit times (or file access times) as proof of submission, only when you push your code to the course Git server.


Output of dumpe2fs hello.img

Note that your output may be slightly different. You should understand these values and use macros that make sense, and not just hard code them. However, you should get something like:

dumpe2fs 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021)
Filesystem volume name: hello
Last mounted on: <not available>
Filesystem UUID: 5a1eab1e-1337-1337-1337-c0ffeec0ffee
Filesystem magic number: 0xEF53
Filesystem revision #: 0 (original)
Filesystem features: (none)
Default mount options: (none)
Filesystem state: clean
Errors behavior: Continue
Filesystem OS type: Linux
Inode count: 128
Block count: 1024
Reserved block count: 0
Free blocks: 1000
Free inodes: 115
First block: 1
Block size: 1024
Fragment size: 1024
Blocks per group: 8192
Fragments per group: 8192
Inodes per group: 128
Inode blocks per group: 16
Last mount time: n/a
Last write time: Sun May 23 19:35:00 2021
Mount count: 0
Maximum mount count: -1
Last checked: Sun May 23 19:35:00 2021
Check interval: 1 (0:00:01)
Next check after: Sun May 23 19:35:01 2021
Reserved blocks uid: 0 (user root)
Reserved blocks gid: 0 (group root)

Group 0: (Blocks 1-1023)
Primary superblock at 1, Group descriptors at 2-2
Block bitmap at 3 (+2)
Inode bitmap at 4 (+3)
Inode table at 5-20 (+4)
1000 free blocks, 115 free inodes, 2 directories
Free blocks: 24-1023
Free inodes: 14-128

Output of fsck.ext2 hello.img

You need to make sure you get the following output:

e2fsck 1.46.2 (28-Feb-2021)
hello has gone 0 days without being checked, check forced.
Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information
hello: 13/128 files (0.0% non-contiguous), 24/1024 blocks